A mommy makeover can help a woman look and feel better

Mommy Makeover Surgery to Help Women Reduce the Effects of Pregnancy

The number of women looking to get a mommy makeover has been on the rise consistently in the last decade. Mothers are starting to look beyond a healthy diet and exercise, opening up more to the idea of surgical enhancements to help them reclaim the body they once had before their pregnancies.

Women who have had children experience breast and body changes that are often not correctable with just diet and exercise.

What is a Mommy Makeover Surgery?

The mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures aimed at reversing the changes that can occur to the breasts and abdomen of the mother following her pregnancy.

For breasts that have sagged or deflated, the most common procedures are: breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction, depending on the needs of the patient. For the excess skin and stretch marks in the abdomen, the patient can receive a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and a liposuction.

How can a Mommy Makeover help me?

When the abdomen grows during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles separate and weaken. This results in the stretching of the abdominal skin which may cause the skin’s collagen fibers to break, giving you “stretch marks”. A tummy tuck will tighten your abdominal muscles and remove the excess skin, narrowing your waist and helping you restore your body’s previous silhouette. The liposuction will slim and reshape your figure, helping minimize the fat deposits left after pregnancy.

Regardless of whether you breastfeed your children or not, pregnancy can alter the appearance of your breasts drastically, making them look saggy and stretched out. A breast augmentation and/or breast lift can help restore the shape of your breasts as desired.

The mommy makeover can be performed in one of two stages, depending on the areas of your body that you decide to address.

The best time to have a Mommy makeover is when childbearing is complete, pregnancies are possible after an abdominoplasty. However, if the tissues are stretched again, the final result may not be the most desirable.

The risks of the mommy makeover are similar to most major operations, you will have to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks and understand what results you wish to achieve.

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