All About The Gastric Balloon

A Gastric Balloon Can Help You Lose Weight

A Gastric balloon, also known as intragastric or stomach balloon, is a temporary and removable device that is placed in the stomach through the mouth. The surgery is an incision free, minimally invasive weight loss procedure that most individuals with a lower BMI who might not be candidates for other bariatric surgeries may see as a very good option. Gastric balloon surgery can also help severely obese people reach a safer weight before undergoing a more invasive surgery. How it…

How can it help you

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Often exercise and diet alone fails to effectively treat those who suffer from severe cases of obesity. For many people, lifestyle changes may not be sufficient enough for them to restore their health. In those cases bariatric surgery is an ideal tool. What it is Bariatric surgical procedures are performed in order to help patients lose weight by making changes to their digestive system. This is achieved by either restricting the amount of food the stomach can hold, causing malabsorption…