When Considering Bariatric Surgery Choose Tijuana, Mexico

While no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, bariatric surgery in Tijuana, Mexico can be a safe and effective tool for long-term weight loss for those with obesity.

“Minimally-invasive procedures and a dedicated care team make bariatric surgery safer than ever”, says bariatric surgeon Ismael Bailon MD, FACS, director of The Center for Bariatrics in Tijuana, Mexico. “It’s one step in a lifelong commitment to one’s health, and we provide you with ongoing support to help you be as healthy and successful as possible before and after surgery”.

Is Bariatric Surgery Right for You?

The American Society for Metabolic and Surgery (ASMBS) and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) recently updated their guidelines to expand patient eligibility for weight-loss surgery. The new guidelines recommend eligibility if you:

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Have tried other non-surgical weight loss methods
  • Have a BMI of 35 or higher
  • Have a BMI of 30 or higher in addition to a weight-related condition such as severe diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or sleep apnea
  • Are psychologically competent and understand the procedure and postoperative plan

Bariatric surgery candidates need to be committed to the daily lifestyle changes required to make it successful, including diet modification and exercise. “It’s imperative you understand this commitment before undergoing surgery”, says Dr. Bailon. “Thankfully, you don’t have to do this on your own”.

Types of Procedures

The two most common, minimally invasive procedures are gastric bypass surgery and sleeve gastrectomy—these procedures are usually performed laparoscopically.

During gastric bypass surgery, Dr. Bailon staples and divides the stomach to make a new, smaller stomach pouch. This is then connected to part of the small intestine, limiting food intake and calorie absorption. Sleeve gastrectomy permanently removes a large portion of the stomach, limiting the amount of food and calories that can be consumed.

“Both procedures restrict the amount of food the stomach can hold, but gastric bypass surgery also affects the amount of fat, calories and nutrients the body can absorb, which generally makes it a better option for people with a higher BMI”, says Dr. Ismael Bailon. “Both procedures, however, are successful in about 85% of patients and ensure long-term weight loss and maintenance”.

Recovery and Weight Loss

Recovering from bariatric surgery is quick, and most people experience minimal pain in the days following their procedure. You will continue to meet with your care team regularly for up to a year after your surgery, but once you go home, you can start moving.

“The best thing you can do after surgery is to start walking; we recommend four short walks a day”, says Dr. Bailon. “Other than avoiding heavy lifting for about four weeks, you can start exercising with light weights and cardio almost immediately”.

Following surgery, it can take about a year to reach your goal weight, but you may continue to lose weight after a year.

What Else to Know

“The victories of bariatric surgery go beyond the number on the scale—it provides people with lifelong benefits in health, energy and wellbeing”, says Dr. Ismael Bailon. “In addition to weight loss, more than 95% of people who get bariatric surgery see improvement in associated medical conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes and sleep apnea.