A ‘mommy makeover‘, at Plastic Surgery Tijuana is a combination of surgeries involving the breast, abdomen, waist, hips and thighs designed to restore the body to its original contours and appearance prior to childbearing.
The procedures typically involved are a breast augmentation and breast lift, a tummy tuck and liposuction. All of these can be combined into a single surgical procedure.
The breast augmentation and lift aim to deliver a firmer breast with better contouring, and can either be done at once or in a staged fashion with the lift first and then the augmentation.
The ‘mommy makeover’ is hugely popular among women seeking to reclaim their pre-baby bodies, and target areas of the body where, despite the best intentions after dieting and exercise, are not going to improve
For women also in need of a tummy tuck the excess skin and fat from below umbilicus is removed and redraped to provide a firmer appearance of the abdomen, while the muscles underneath are decentralised to provide better contouring and appearance.
The incision is concealed below the waistline, and the procedure is often combined with liposuction to further improve contouring. Typical areas for liposuction include the waist, hips and thighs.
What is a mommy makeover?
The goal of a ‘mommy makeover‘ is to restore the shape and appearance of a woman’s body after pregnancy. Many women notice changes in their bodies post-pregnancy, and desire the restoration of their previous shape.
There are many areas of the body that can be addressed by surgery, most commonly the breasts, abdomen, waist, thighs, genitalia and buttocks.
A ‘mommy makeover‘ is typically performed as a single stage procedure. There are many techniques used to perform a ‘mommy makeover’, and many factors should be taken into consideration when choosing which techniques are best:
- What is the desired amount of restoration?
- What are the desired areas of restoration?
- Where would you like the incisions discreetly placed?
- Are breast implants or natural breast augmentation alternatives preferred?
At a glance
Surgery Time: 4 to 6 hours | Washing: Shower next day with nurse help | Sexual Activity: 6 weeks |
Hospital Stay: 1 night | Driving: 2 weeks | Full Recovery: 8 weeks |
Time Off Work: 3 to 4 weeks | Bras & Garments: night and day for 2 months | Sleeping Position: Sleeping on back recommended for 4 weeks |
Reasonably Mobile: 4 to 5 days | Exercise Including Gym: 8 weeks |
Typical areas of rejuvenation during the ‘mommy makeover‘ procedure include the legs, breasts and the tummy, but additional areas which are rising in popularity include eyelid, facial, genital and C-Section scar revision surgery.
The main reason for having a ‘mommy makeover‘ procedure is to help restore a more visually pleasing body shape and appearance, similar to the one enjoyed prior to pregnancy and childbirth.
The procedure aims to reverse any unwanted or unplanned changes, ranging from immovable ‘baby weight’, to changes in breast size and shape, excess abdominal skin and undesired genital shape and function changes.
Mothers who undergo such procedures typically report a corresponding increase in self-confidence and an improved sense of psychological well being.
Typical expected improvements from surgery include:
- Removal of excess abdominal skin and fat
- Centralization and tightening of the stomach wall muscles
- Reducing or restoring breast volume and shape
- Reducing the visibility of scars and stretch marks
- Removal of excess pockets of fat and skin from trouble areas such as the waist, arms and thighs
- Rejuvenating the appearance and structure of the vaginal region
- Increased satisfaction with the overall body contour and shape
Most commonly procedure combinations include Abdominoplasty, Breast Surgery and Liposuction.
Who is suitable?
Mommy makeover surgery is a highly personal procedure and should only be undertaken if you feel strongly that you would like to restore the appearance of your pre-pregnancy body.
You may be a suitable candidate for ‘mommy makeover’ surgery if:
- You are in good psychological and physical medical health
- You are at your ideal body weight
- You have a positive outlook and realistic expectations of what can be achieved via surgery
- You are a mother who has experienced body shape and contour changes following one or multiple pregnancies
- You are finished with childbearing
Top Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Rafael Camberos, MD is among only a very small handful of surgeons in Tijuana, Mexico trained and qualified to perform the very specialist ‘mommy makeover’ surgery, and he is also one of the few surgeons to perform this procedure as a day case surgery in Tijuana, Mexico.
The extensive experience of Dr. Camberos, combined with his meticulous, exacting standards makes him one of the best and most exciting plastic surgeons in the country.