Weight Loss with Bariatric surgery

According to Ismael Bailon MD, FACS from The Center for Bariatrics in Tijuana, Mexico -Weight loss surgery, sometimes called bariatric surgery, is a treatment for people who are severely obese. It makes the stomach smaller so it feels fuller sooner and less food is eaten. To be considered for weight loss surgery the patient will usually need a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more and have tried to lose weight through a healthy diet, exercise and medicine. Patients will also need to…

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Bariatric Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

As the leaders in bariatric surgery in Tijuana. The Center for Bariatrics provides what we think is the most comprehensive weight and metabolism management center in all of Mexico. Offering weight loss surgery and medical weight management, along with the expertise of our compassionate dietitians, behavioral health specialists, and the expertise of our entire team at The Center for Bariatrics we are ready to help you reshape your life. By providing a number of surgical options, including gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and duodenal switch The Center…

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