The goal of a mommy makeover is to help restore the shape and appearance of a woman’s body after pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover Surgery and Brazilian Butt Lift

Yes, it’s possible to undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift at Mommy Makeover Tijuana during mommy makeover surgery. The term ‘mommy makeover’ refers to a combination of procedures that can be done during the same surgery — which can include a Brazilian butt lift (BBL). The most common areas addressed during a mommy makeover are the abdomen, breasts, waist, and buttocks. The buttocks area can be enhanced by increasing the overall volume with the use of implants, fat, or both. When fat is used, this…

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Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift surgery has become immensely popular in the field of plastic surgery over the last ten years. Until recently, plastic surgeons did not have a great option for women and men who sought a more curvaceous, hourglass figure. Many people who come to us for this procedure have spent years trying to “build up” their gluteal muscles and “grow” the look of their behind only to discover that their extended hours in the gym left them with…

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Dr Rafael Camberos Offers Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian buttock lift, more commonly known as a Brazilian butt lift surgery or BBL, at Plastic Surgery Tijuana, is an increasingly popular aesthetic procedure that helps improve the shape of your buttocks by injecting it with fat from other areas of the body. The shape and proportion of the buttocks are important factors in an attractive, well-proportioned body. With Brazilian butt lift surgery, Dr. Rafael Camberos can use specialized fat transfer techniques to achieve a fuller, rounder buttock contour. Dr. Rafael Camberos…

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