Plastic Surgery Tijuana Offers Liposculpture

Liposculpture, at Plastic Surgery Tijuana, could be right for you if you are near your ideal weight, have great elasticity with your skin and if you wish to say goodbye to that undesired fat.

Liposculpture is a safe and effective way to treat fat pads on various parts of your body which can not be shifted or removed with either diet or exercise.

Prior to surgery, the areas to be suctioned are carefully marked, with the areas requiring the most suction highlighted. Fluid is then infiltrated into the areas, which works to reduce the bleeding and to facilitate the suctioning of the fat.

Dr Rafael Camberos, board-certified plastic surgeon, utilizes small cannulas for liposuction, which minimize the length of the incision scars and which, he feels, reduces the possibility of irregular results.

Liposculpture leaves 3mm to 4mm (millimeter) scars which are placed in the natural skin lines or creases to minimize their appearance.

The procedure is performed as day surgery and is usually performed under general anesthetic. 

Following the Procedure

Following the procedure, the suctioned area will feel bruised, but oral pain relief is adequate to control this. The resolution of bruising and wound healing will come in a week and a half to two weeks after surgery.

If you work in an office, you may return to work in one week, and two weeks if your work is more physical. You may resume low-impact activity immediately after surgery, but should wait two weeks to resume high-impact physical activity.

The Consultation

At your consultation with Dr Camberos, the suitability of the site for liposuction will be assessed. The extent of the possible improvement through the procedure will also be evaluated.

Patients’ candidacy for liposculpture is determined based on patient age, their skin tone, and their body’s build.

Many patients choose to combine liposculpture with other cosmetic surgery procedures, such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)breast lift (mastopexy), or breast augmentation

If you would like to learn more about liposculpture at Plastic Surgery Tijuana, we encourage you to contact their office today.