Bariatric Surgery Tijuana Offers Hernia and Reflux Surgery

Bariatric Surgery Tijuana, and their team of highly skilled surgeons and medical staff perform minimally-invasive hernia and reflux surgery.

They are using ground-breaking techniques and cutting-edge technologies to treat complex abdominal hernias, and they provide training and expertise on hernia management.

Complex Incisions

An incisional hernia is a common complication following all types of abdominal surgeries, such as a Cesarean section, hysterectomy, radical cystectomy, bowel resection, and exploratory surgery.

Surgical incisions that either partially or fully severe the abdominal muscles can weaken these muscles, which increases the risk of herniation along the incision line.

The risk developing an incisional hernia is greatest for patients who gain significant amounts of weight following their abdominal surgery, or who participate in vigorous exercise before the incision is fully healed.

Hernia surgery on incisional hernias involves pushing the protruding tissue back behind the abdominal muscles, removal of any scar tissue, and placement of a specialized surgical mesh to minimize the chance of a recurrence of the herniation.

Inguinal Hernia

An inguinal hernia can develop when intestinal tissue, fatty tissue, or part of the bowel protrudes through a weak spot in the lower abdominal wall, resulting in a bulge that appears in the groin area.

This type of hernia tends to develop slowly in the groin, and can form as a result of a congenital (birth) defect or prolonged stress to the area from physical activity.

While inguinal hernias can impact both men and women, this type of hernia is most common among men.

Over time, inguinal hernias can become enlarged and painful, and the herniated tissue can become strangulated, leading to severe pain, nausea, and vomiting. If this occurs, emergency hernia surgery is often needed.

Hiatal Hernia (Anti-Reflux)

A hiatal hernia results from high intra-abdominal pressure from chronic coughing, vomiting, pregnancy, and obesity.

This added pressure may cause a portion of the upper stomach to push through the diaphragm into the chest cavity, leading to symptoms such as heartburn, belching, bloating, and ongoing discomfort in the digestive tract.

In many cases, hiatal hernias can be successfully managed through diet and lifestyle modifications, however, some patients do require hernia surgery to restore blood flow to the herniated portion of the stomach.

For More Information

If you have been diagnosed with an incisional, hiatal, or inguinal hernia and you require hernia surgery, they can help you.

Contact Bariatric Surgery Tijuana to schedule a consultation with their team of skilled hernia repair experts.